Monday, November 24, 2008

movie review time

Where do I begin? First of all, the director, music editor, screenwriter and all emo kids need to be taken out behind a building and bitch slapped. What a horrible movie adaptation! It did not do justice to the novel and that’s too bad since it’s a great book. I guess it also didn’t help that every high school girl in America was in my theater and screamed from things as big as Edward entering the room to things as small as Bella “acting”.

The music editor needs an extra bitch slap for the horrible music choices. During one of the most intense moments in the book, this idiot thought he would use an electric guitar to provoke a sense of terror. Electric guitar = terror?!? I thought Hoggle was going to pop out of some rocks and save Bella from David Bowe.

And the special effects… if by special you mean rode the short bus then yes, these effects were very special. I think I can guess how the conversation went:

Twilight Jerks: Here’s $50,000. We need a lot of special effects.
George Lucas: Are you kidding me?
Twilight Jerks: That’s all we have budgeted for special effects. Thanks!
George Lucas: Get the intern! We have a project for him.

Robert Pattinson was awesome and uber hot. Cam Gigandet was hot – not really awesome since he had three whole lines (damn you screenwriter). Check back on February 11, 2010 when I can officially state that Taylor Lautner was awesome and hot.

Quantum of Solace
Strawberry Fields? Really? I could feel the entire theater grown in disgust.

The entire franchise turned with Casino Royal so there’s no more Monty Python Q, horrible puns and one-liners that actually cause IQ loss (yes I’m referring to you Sean Connery and your “he’s certainly full of himself”) and no more cameos by Madonna. It was a great movie!

Daniel Craig was awesome and hot.

Zack and Miri Make a Porno
Kevin Smith needs to retire. Yes Kevin Smith, you are too cool for school. You use fuc* and puss* 90 times an hour. You are the coolest kid on your block. My hatred for this movie is three-fold:

1. You had Superman and the Mac guy kiss.
2. You forced me to see Seth Rogen act in a porno!
3. You made me see Jason Mewes naked.

For shame!

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