Sunday, October 11, 2009

investigating the yorba linda house

Like every professional Ghost Hunter I was prepared with my equipment and ready for action. Oh wait, I wasn’t because I forgot my camera – sorry no photos this time. This was the second time the group investigated a private residence in Yorba Linda, which was scheduled to be torn down – as I type this it is no longer standing. It was a beautiful house and area with lots of space (dirt) and trees (bugs).

The last time the group investigated the home a woman’s voice came through on Brigid’s walkie-talkie when the other members didn’t receive the same signal. Very odd.

Speaking with the homeowners, they had seen an apparition of a 9-year-old girl in the basement of the house. They also told us the story of a neighbor’s sister who took a gun and walked across to the edge of the property and shot herself. Fun times!

9:00 p.m.
Arrive in Yorba Linda. The shell-of-a-house looks depressing.

9:30 p.m.
Watching the camera feed at headquarters. Lots and lots of orbs (dirt). Get the bejebus scared out of me when I hear voices from behind. Apparently there is no wall and the homeowners are watching me. I think they don’t trust me with their dirt.

9:45 p.m.
The house next door loves Celine Dion. Do you want to know how I know? Celine Dion is blaring, correction, more like screeching, from the next-door neighbor’s house. At night. With neighbors. And with apparent no taste for music. This is not good for our recordings.

10:00 p.m.
Start my investigation with Chris and Nolan. We begin with provoking since the house is going to be torn down and no one would feel the repercussions. Half-way through we realize the presence seen was a 9-year-old girl. Whoops. I see an Ouija board from the corner of my eye… hmmm.

10:15 p.m.
Nolan and I start asking the girl if she would like to play a game: hop scotch, tag, hide-and-seek, hide the weasel – wait, what? EW Nolan! I offered that if the girl was present she had my permission to kick Nolan as hard as she could. Unfortunately nothing.

10:30 p.m.
We travel down into the basement, which smells as if something died. Can hear Celine even more. I hate her.

10:45 p.m.
I walk out to the front for some fresh air – trying to get basement smell out of my nostrils. Chris is walking in front and tells me to watch out for the huge spider. My life flashes before my eyes and he can tell I may die from fright. He tells me, “It’s no big deal” as he shines his flashlight on it. I scream “Don’t do that, it’s how they gain their powers!” He is happy he has learned that not only am I deathly afraid of spiders, but I am a complete moron.

11:00 p.m.
Start my second investigation with Brigid and Julie. We all eye the Ouija board and decide it’s time. The last time I played Ouija was in sixth grade, right before we watched The Exorcist. I am starting to get terror flashbacks from 20 years ago. We are about to play when the walkie-talkie flips out. We can hear a woman speaking. The guys can hear the walkie-talkie from he other room and cannot hear the conversation on their walkies. Very odd. The one good thing is that Celine has now stopped.

11:15 p.m.
We focus on the Ouija board and point the triangle at the number 6. Nothing. Brigid and I hold the triangle to get the 9-year-old to play with us. The triangle moves a fraction of an inch – not sure if it’s Brigid or me, but we think we didn’t move it. A minute later the walkie-talkie freaks out again and we can hear the same woman, but cannot make out what she is saying. Interesting. I’m starting to get tired from holding the triangle and bending over the table. I need to get to the gym.

11:30 p.m.
Brigid thinks it would be a good idea to sing Ring Around the Rosie to make the girl comfortable. Julie, Brigid and I sing. We didn’t sound half bad. I am thinking about becoming the next American Idol.

11:50 p.m.
We decide to make one more sweep in the basement. It now smells like a yeti peed in a dead skunk’s stinker, took it home, left it in a closet with its old gym socks and then sprinkled it with patchouli.

We be done. Overall, I felt completely comfortable and didn’t experience anything except for the walkie-talkie incident, which may be nothing but interference. We finish the night with cake for Mike’s birthday. Late-night cake and ghost hunting – a perfect evening.

movie review time


One of the funniest movies I have ever seen! That's all I got.