Sunday, October 11, 2009

investigating the yorba linda house

Like every professional Ghost Hunter I was prepared with my equipment and ready for action. Oh wait, I wasn’t because I forgot my camera – sorry no photos this time. This was the second time the group investigated a private residence in Yorba Linda, which was scheduled to be torn down – as I type this it is no longer standing. It was a beautiful house and area with lots of space (dirt) and trees (bugs).

The last time the group investigated the home a woman’s voice came through on Brigid’s walkie-talkie when the other members didn’t receive the same signal. Very odd.

Speaking with the homeowners, they had seen an apparition of a 9-year-old girl in the basement of the house. They also told us the story of a neighbor’s sister who took a gun and walked across to the edge of the property and shot herself. Fun times!

9:00 p.m.
Arrive in Yorba Linda. The shell-of-a-house looks depressing.

9:30 p.m.
Watching the camera feed at headquarters. Lots and lots of orbs (dirt). Get the bejebus scared out of me when I hear voices from behind. Apparently there is no wall and the homeowners are watching me. I think they don’t trust me with their dirt.

9:45 p.m.
The house next door loves Celine Dion. Do you want to know how I know? Celine Dion is blaring, correction, more like screeching, from the next-door neighbor’s house. At night. With neighbors. And with apparent no taste for music. This is not good for our recordings.

10:00 p.m.
Start my investigation with Chris and Nolan. We begin with provoking since the house is going to be torn down and no one would feel the repercussions. Half-way through we realize the presence seen was a 9-year-old girl. Whoops. I see an Ouija board from the corner of my eye… hmmm.

10:15 p.m.
Nolan and I start asking the girl if she would like to play a game: hop scotch, tag, hide-and-seek, hide the weasel – wait, what? EW Nolan! I offered that if the girl was present she had my permission to kick Nolan as hard as she could. Unfortunately nothing.

10:30 p.m.
We travel down into the basement, which smells as if something died. Can hear Celine even more. I hate her.

10:45 p.m.
I walk out to the front for some fresh air – trying to get basement smell out of my nostrils. Chris is walking in front and tells me to watch out for the huge spider. My life flashes before my eyes and he can tell I may die from fright. He tells me, “It’s no big deal” as he shines his flashlight on it. I scream “Don’t do that, it’s how they gain their powers!” He is happy he has learned that not only am I deathly afraid of spiders, but I am a complete moron.

11:00 p.m.
Start my second investigation with Brigid and Julie. We all eye the Ouija board and decide it’s time. The last time I played Ouija was in sixth grade, right before we watched The Exorcist. I am starting to get terror flashbacks from 20 years ago. We are about to play when the walkie-talkie flips out. We can hear a woman speaking. The guys can hear the walkie-talkie from he other room and cannot hear the conversation on their walkies. Very odd. The one good thing is that Celine has now stopped.

11:15 p.m.
We focus on the Ouija board and point the triangle at the number 6. Nothing. Brigid and I hold the triangle to get the 9-year-old to play with us. The triangle moves a fraction of an inch – not sure if it’s Brigid or me, but we think we didn’t move it. A minute later the walkie-talkie freaks out again and we can hear the same woman, but cannot make out what she is saying. Interesting. I’m starting to get tired from holding the triangle and bending over the table. I need to get to the gym.

11:30 p.m.
Brigid thinks it would be a good idea to sing Ring Around the Rosie to make the girl comfortable. Julie, Brigid and I sing. We didn’t sound half bad. I am thinking about becoming the next American Idol.

11:50 p.m.
We decide to make one more sweep in the basement. It now smells like a yeti peed in a dead skunk’s stinker, took it home, left it in a closet with its old gym socks and then sprinkled it with patchouli.

We be done. Overall, I felt completely comfortable and didn’t experience anything except for the walkie-talkie incident, which may be nothing but interference. We finish the night with cake for Mike’s birthday. Late-night cake and ghost hunting – a perfect evening.

movie review time


One of the funniest movies I have ever seen! That's all I got.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

actual conversation I had this week

While washing my hands in the restroom at work...

Me:  Hey, how are you?
Miss X:  Good. So how’s the condo?
Me:  Oh, I just live in an apartment, but I just moved. It’s really nice.
Miss X:  I thought you bought a condo.
Me:  No, not me.
Miss X:  Yes you did.
Me:  I think I would have remembered that.
Miss X:  I know we were talking about it.
Me:  No. I am anti-buying anything right now. Too stable.
Miss X:  You were upset about the association dues.
Me:  Why would I lie about this?
Miss X:  Are you sure you didn’t buy a condo?
Me:  It wasn’t me.
Miss X:  I swore you bought a condo.
Me:  Well if I did then I am selling it.
Miss X:  (laughing) Well I hope you make a lot of money off it!

movie review time

Inglourious Basterds

That's funny. I thought Brad Pitt was in the Brad Pitt movie. The two minutes of him was awesome and hot.

song you need to download now

Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix - Lisztomania


This week’s Really? is brought to us from Spain. A toymaker has released Bebe Gloton – translation: "what the fuc*?!". Kids wear a vest with flowers on the nipple area – already this is bad. When the baby is close to the flowers it makes a sucking noise to simulate breastfeeding. Really?

For all you crazy La Leche League women, you can reserve yours on eBay for the economical price of $112.00.

dear spain: do you remember the exact moment you went insane?

Monday, September 14, 2009

time to laugh at my pain

Having caught the feng shui bug, I had the need to reorganize my desk at home. I came across a two-day journal I wrote just before I was to undergo a procedure – I won’t go into details, but in a nutshell my innards had to be pristine, which meant no absolutely no food. Please enjoy at my expense…

Day 1

8:00 a.m.
Today is the day I begin my fast. Naturally I tried eating a large dinner last night, but somehow it backfired and now I’m starving. Not a good start.

8:30 a.m.
Not allowed coffee. Damn.

11:00 a.m.
Having peed for the 8th time, I’m getting a little sick of water. I stupidly left my white grape juice at home. Getting a little bit hungry. I am allowed a couple slices of turkey for lunch, which will be my last bit of food for a couple days.

I nibbled at the turkey so the meal would last longer. Half way through I gave up and swallowed it in one gulp. Goodbye food.

3:30 p.m.
Feeling pretty good. This isn’t so bad.

5:00 p.m.
My mother called to remind me to pick up dinner for my Dad’s birthday. Suddenly regretting not telling my parents about the test and now I’m forced to get yummy BBQ.

6:00 p.m.
The food smell in the car is making me want to jump into a grease fryer. It smells SO GOOD! Ribs, ribs, ribs. I hate ribs, but suddenly I would kill a koala for one rib, or to eat the koala.

8:00 p.m.
Told my parents about the test so I wouldn’t have to sit at dinner. My mother, true to form, packed my bags and took me on a guilt trip for not participating in my father’s birthday dinner so I sat at the table sipping my white grape juice as they smacked their lips against chicken, biscuits, mashed potatoes and ribs. I wonder how my family would taste if I threw them on the BBQ…?

9:00 p.m.
Going to bed so I don’t have to deal with the world. I hate koalas.

Day 2

6:00 a.m.
One more day. I can do this. My stomach on the other hand…

8:00 a.m.
Feeling lightheaded and delirious. So this is what madness tastes like.

8:30 a.m.
Still not allowed coffee. Damn.

11:00 a.m.
I think my body surrendered and realized it wasn’t going to get food for another day. I’m feeling okay and confident that the worst is over.

No more white grape juice – all water until tomorrow. For lunch I am to make a cocktail of some sort of salt medicine my doctor gave me mixed with water. It was pretty much like licking the ocean floor. It says it will take about an hour to kick in.

12:05 p.m.
Apparently it only took 5 minutes for it to kick in and the worst is yet to come.

12:15 p.m.
Are you kidding me?

12:30 p.m.
I want to die.

12:45 p.m.
How is there stuff left in my body?!?

1:00 p.m.
The real question is: Why am I still at work enduring this?!!

1:30 p.m.
Fuc* this shi*! No pun intended. Going home for the day.

2:30 p.m.
Tried taking a nap but my body has other plans. The delirium has been replaced with feelings of torture.

5:00 p.m.
Was able to sleep for a bit in between trips to the bathroom, laying on the floor and cursing the world. Went online and saw most people who undergo the procedure think the preparation is worst than the test. From the description of the test, and medieval looking diagram, I call it a draw.

Day 3

11:30 a.m.
Somewhere between early evening and the test I think I had an out-of-body experience and traveled to the moon since I don’t remember a thing from last night. To put it mildly, the test was every shade of uncomfortable with a dab of evil. After the nurse talked me in from the ledge, I completed the procedure. Almost punched the doctor in the throat when he said I would have to repeat this when I’m 60. To celebrate, I am now ordering a 1 lb. cheeseburger at Fuddrucker’s – will probably gain back the 8 pounds I lost in this one meal.

Couldn’t wait and had a bite.


This week's Really? comes to us via McDonald's. The classic Big Mac now comes as a Snack Wrap. Don't lie to me Ronald, you purple-blob-loving bastard. A snack is something little, hence the term "snack". Snack Wraps cannot be 350 calories. A manager in Canada probably ran out of sesame seed buns and instead of blaming his inventory screw up on 16-year-old, acne invested Brittany, he grabbed a tortilla and made McDonald's history. Congrats on making an entire continent say "ew!"

i'm not sure what's worse, the concept or being reassured that it's 100% pure beef

song you need to download now

White Rabbits - Percussion Gun

movie review time

Time Traveler's Wife
Three words: Eric Bana bottom. And yes, I cried. Excellent movie, but you should really read the book.

random thought

Why do people put tissue boxes on the back dash of their car? Chances are, you drive in your car alone. What if you need a tissue? Not so prepared now, are you? Did you wipe it on your sleeve? You disgust me.

Monday, August 31, 2009

investigating the rialto historical society

View the photos at

I was fortunate enough to go on another investigation with the OC Paranormal Society ( to the Rialto Historical Society in Rialto, California. In a nutshell, the First Christian Church was set to be demolished so the Hendricksons, a local family, purchased the church to save it from becoming a strip mall. Sadly, a few years later their daughter, Kristina, died of leukemia. They rechristened it the Kristina Hendrickson Cultural Center. When Mrs. Hendrickson passed, Mr. Hendrickson donated the property to the City of Rialto, which then turned it into the historical society in 1971. Now onto the good stuff...

Mr. Hendrickson placed Kristina's favorite belongings and ashes in the basement of the building. I will repeat that: HER ASHES! Who does that?!? Was I surprised there were stories of the building being haunted by a girl? Um no.

9:30 p.m.
Investigation starts. First sweep I investigate the old school house with Brigid - now a museum with every nick nack that ever entered Rialto. I pity the cleaning crew.

9:45 p.m.
We asked "Is anyone here with us tonight?" The AC unit kicked on and scared the bageezus out of us. First heart attack of the evening.

10:00 p.m.
Two members of the historical society stayed with us throughout the investigation. One apparently was working in the study located in the museum portion of the building and as he exited the restroom he almost ran into us. Second heart attack of the night.

10:05 p.m.
In the dress room where Kristina was heard playing, the K2 meter (do I really need to explain what these instruments are by now?) flickered. No cold spots and we felt very comfortable.

10:10 p.m.
Still in the dress room. Bored. We can hear people walk by the front of the museum. Is there really a night life in Rialto?

10:30 p.m.
We ventured into the Willy Wonka room a.k.a. front entrance of the library, when the K2 meter spiked randomly. We double checked the area where we received the spike and nothing. Random.

11:00 p.m.
Nolan left a makeup case open as a test to see if Kristina was playing with us. First of all, I am proud Nolan knew what a makeup case was. Second, the beauty products looked like a barbaric dentist kit.

12:00 a.m.
We asked "Is anyone here with us tonight?" Brigid and I then heard a clicking noise by the restroom. We asked again. Another noise. I then went to the office to see if either of the historical society members were in the restroom. They were not. We gathered up all our strength and opened the door. It was the fire control panel. Damn you firefighters! Third heart attack of the night.

12:30 a.m.
We then decide to investigate the church and see if our friend in the third row pew was willing to pay us a visit. Felt nothing.

12:35 a.m.
Flicker on the K2 meter in the bride's room. We looked outside to see it was the blasted AC unit again!

12:40 a.m.
We decide to piss off the reported ghost who sits in the third row pew by sitting in their seat. Random K2 spike. Very interesting. Did we piss it off? Brigid and I begin to see shadows in the corners of the room. The difficulty with investigating the church is the stained glass windows facing a busy street. We pass the shadows off as Rialto night life - if there is one.

12:45 a.m.
My dinner at Burger Mania is starting to betray my stomach. We can hear more noises outside. Seriously Rialto. Does anyone sleep here?

1:30 a.m.
We then investigate the last room of the property - the meeting room. Are there dolls? Why yes, 8,000 of them!

what they look like at night
1:35 a.m.
I asked "There are so many things you can move in the room, can you move something?" We then heard a rustling across the room. Very exciting. I asked again "If that was you can you please do it again?" More rustling. We jumped up and investigated the corner of the meeting room. The historical society members told us about Edward. Apparently, Edward enjoys moving objects.

1:45 a.m.
Last instance of the evening - back in the meeting room, I am uber annoyed from the passing traffic and frequent people singing. I snap and ask "Are we being too loud?" Days later when I am reviewing my EVPs I caught a voice responding to my question. It replied "No."

Overall it was a great investigation. Check back at to view the findings.

Sunday, August 30, 2009


There are so many things that actually, physically make my head hurt so I decided to start a new segment titled: Really?

This week’s Really? comes to us from An Edward Cullen shower curtain.


The thing that made me snap was the advertisement: “You can shower with Robert Pattinson!” I do have to give kudos to for this gem:

guess what you're getting for christmas?

movie review time

District 9

The guy's name was Wikus De Merwe. What is not to love? Apparently this film was the love child of the director and Peter Jackson after the Halo movie fell through. thanks a lot De Merwe.

song you need to download now

Weezer - (If You're Wondering If I Want You To) I Want You To

reason #37 why men who get mani/pedis scare me

After an excruciating week, which included long lunches, dinners, too much drinking and vegan food, I decided to treat myself and get a pedicure. Half way through my pampering a man entered the spa and requested a mani/pedi. First off, when I man wants a mani/pedi you stop and pay attention. I was a bit honored that he chose the spot next to me, but the second he started speaking I was ready to rip the nail file from my manicurist’s hand and stab the man in the eye. After a while I couldn’t believe what was coming out of his mouth so I started taking notes on my cell phone. This is what was actually conversed:

“I just got in from the Philippines I am here looking for property I saw your sign but you were closed last night so I looked you up on the Web and saw I could come in today for services because I have been tired from my time in the Philippines I would get manicures and pedicures often in the Philippines and in the Philippines if a man walked into a salon you would be stared at because manicures and pedicures are not common for men in the Philippines so I just flew in from the Philippines and I’m looking for a property in either Orange County, Los Angeles or San Diego something on a hill like how I lived in the Philippines I lived in the Philippines for business I’m not going back to the Philippines I need a cell phone, a pager and a haircut before I look for a house in either Orange County, Los Angeles or San Diego by the way I am looking for a house on a hill in either Orange County, Los Angeles or San Diego I don’t get along with my cousins one cousin visited me in the Philippines in the Philippines you walk everywhere so I am trying to smooth my feet since I am looking for a house in Orange County, Los Angeles or San Diego I need to learn where everything is located since I was in the Philippines but I am not going back to the Philippines where I lived for a long time where I had to walk everywhere that’s why my feet are so rough because of the walking in the Philippines…”

I went home and drafted the following letter:

Dear Philippines,
Take him back or I will declare war.

Monday, July 13, 2009

song you need to download now

Sour Cherry - The Kills

investigating the morey mansion

View the photos at:

I am a member of the Orange County Paranormal Society (a.k.a. Adele is an uber geek). Investigating the paranormal has been something I have been interested in since I was 4-years-old; when I had my first, and only, experience. We lived in Redlands, which has been called one of the most haunted cities in the United States due to the number of Victorian houses. Each night I would go to sleep and feel someone sit on the end of the bed by my legs. On the rare occasions when I was brave enough to look, no one was there except an imprint on the bedding. Since I was 3 or 4-years old, there was no way I was imagining this.

When the OCPS said they were investigating a “haunted” mansion in Redlands, I immediately said I would investigate. I was so excited to take part in the investigation and have the potential to experience something for the first time in my adult life. Good lord was I wrong:

4:00 p.m.
Arrive at Morey Mansion in Redlands. It is 98-flipping-degrees. I silently, and wholeheartly, thank my parents for moving to Garden Grove.

4:15 p.m.
We meet the owner’s son who takes us on a tour of the house – in the why-is-the-air-conditioning-off-it’s-flipping-89-degrees-inside-the-house house. We ask, “Do you think it is haunted?” His reply, “Meh.” First sign of no-goodery.

5:00 p.m.
We venture throughout the house on our own. In the basement a thick, skunk smell is making us gag so we keep our mouths closed. As I continue looking through the basement, I am startled by the doll-from-hell. I open my mouth to gasp and then inhale skunk funk. I am about to puke. We turn a corner to find a little walkway that we cannot get through so we decide to go back upstairs. Mike (a.k.a. Rainbow Bright) says “What does this switch do?” and turns out the lights in the basement. I open my mouth again to scream and instead inhale more skunk funk.

evil-loving bitch

5:10 p.m.
Chris wants to know what is making the horrible smell in the basement so he grabs a flashlight and goes down into the basement. By the walkway we couldn’t get through, there is a dead skunk, weeks old, being eaten by maggots. When he tells the owner’s son about the horrible discovery, he replies “Oh that’s what’s been making that smell.” Second sign of no-goodery.

5:30 p.m.
Tour with the owner ends. We ask the owner if there are any excellent restaurants in the area. He says there is a Chili’s down the road. Again, I silently thank my parents for moving to Garden Grove.

5:40 p.m.
Before dinner we decide to take our group photo in front of the house. Mike, the photographer, asks “What’s that?” That, happens to be a bee hive on top of the house with the angry bees starting to swarm toward us. Third sign of no-goodery.

6:30 p.m.
After dinner we stop by Stater Brothers for snacks. I decide that my ghost hunting snack of choice will be XXX Vitamin Water and a mega bag of Skittles.

7:00 p.m.
Ready for the game plan: 8:00 setup, 9:00 thermal sweep the entire house, 9:45 start investigation, 1:30 second thermal sweep, 3:00 wrap up, 3:30 meeting, 4:00 sleep.

7:45 p.m.
We enjoy the 80-degree weather on the back patio with bonus bugs. Every person that walks outside is almost killed by the owner’s dog sleeping in front of the door. We still do not feel the need to share to the others that the dog is laying in front of the door and just giggle instead.

8:00 p.m.
Setup starts. The guys feel that they should be setting up the equipment since “they know what they are doing”. I do not argue and sit in the cool kitchen and eat my Skittles.

8:50 p.m.
When they finish setup, the guys are dripping with sweat and already tired. Feeling good I played the woman card.

9:00 p.m.
Lights out and Nolan, Chris and John start a thermal sweep of the house. Part of the investigation will be debunking what the little shi**, The Othersiders, claimed was haunted.

9:02 p.m.
Already successfully debunked what the little shi**, The Othersiders, claimed was haunted with the thermal camera.

9:30 p.m.
Nolan radios Brigid and me to start investigating the first floor. We have high EMFs in the second sitting room toward the floor. We realize it’s the machines in the basement. We start EVP work and ask questions: “Are you Sarah or David Morey? Are you related to the Cheneys? Do you have a connection with the house? Do you like what the owner has done with the house?” Nothing. No weird feeling. I am actually quite comfortable even though I am in the pitch, black dark in a creepy house. Forth sign of no-goodery.

10:00 p.m.
Brigid and I decide to go into the basement. It is freezing and the skunk funk is still in the air. In the middle of the basement we hear creaking and footsteps. We ask if anyone is in the kitchen walking around. No one is. I take a photo and notice the doll-from-hell on the table next to me. I get a wee bit freaked out. Brigid feels something pull at her pant leg. We decide to move to the other side of the basement. Nolan joins us with a video camera. I realize I have been video taped this entire time – something I am not used to, but it felt natural (are you paying attention SciFi?) We get a weird vibe on the other side of the basement. I feel something lightly graze my shoulder. At the same time Brigid felt something lightly brush up her arms. I suggested that we switch places in case she was under a vent. She gets the same feeling. We hear a bang in the corner, and like the little girls we are, yelp and grab each other. I am officially freaked out. We ask the ghost to make the same noise – nothing. We get upstairs and I need a drink. I settle with Vitamin Water and a lemon Skittle.

11:00 p.m.
Ready for the second sweep. Nolan and I go up to the second floor of EVP work and begin in the Billiard Room. We ask the ghosts if they can light up the K2 EMF meter. Nothing. We ask questions. Nothing. We hear nothing. Nolan says this is bull shi*. I can’t disagree.

11:30 p.m.
We go to the most haunted room in the mansion – the Blue Room. After 30 minutes we decide to rename it this-is-starting-to-piss-us-off room.

1:00 a.m.
My Skittles have betrayed me and I am starting to get a headache.

1:15 a.m.
I think I see a shadow on the stairway. We stand on the stairs for a good 10 minutes asking questions, but hear and see nothing.

1:35 a.m.
Apparently Nolan does not like flashlights because we walking blindly in the dark. I cannot see a thing once I look away from the video camera. Found the banister with my thigh and my knee later found a chair. I officially have battle scars.

2:45 a.m.
After a whole lot of nothing we decide to call it a night. Again, the men think it’s best if they wrap up. I could not agree more and eat grape Skittles.

3:30 a.m.
We start our wrap-up meeting. Three things we did well are: groups worked well together, people were silent at HQ and everything ran smoothly. Two things we could improve: need to talk less so the EVPs are not distorted and more photos. For my first investigation, I thought I did very well and had a lot of fun.

3:45 a.m.
I get to my room and discover I share my bathroom with anyone on the second story. You cannot lock the door from my room; therefore someone could enter my room from the other bathroom door. I immediately think of opening my own B&B in Redlands just to take this place down.

the only person in the world who i would want to come into my room from the bathroom

4:00 a.m.
Finally get to bed. I am not feeling anxious or scared at all, but so calm I turn off the lights. I’m disappointed we didn’t find anything, but am glad I had the experience.

8:00 a.m.
Awoken by someone in the front yelling “This is a Folder’s coffee morning!” Nolan is an ex-Marine and apparently a morning person. This is not stopping me from wanting to bash him in the head with my iPod.

8:45 a.m.
Get downstairs for the breakfast portion of the B&B Bagels (no cream cheese), warm fruit and Minute Maid orange juice awaits us. The meal is overcooked scrambled eggs with both large and small sausage. The owner’s sister drove all the way from Mission Viejo to cook for us. She asked if we had plans to check out Redlands while we were here. I quickly stuffed my face with an egg to cover up my laughter and silent prayer, once again thanking my parents for moving to Garden Grove.

9:00 a.m.
It already feels like 95 degrees as I start the drive home. Whatever Morey Mansion!

movie review time

Due to the fact that I have a life, as meager as it is, I have been keeping up-to-date with my cinema and have had no time for movie reviews. I realized this as I was watching an ad announcing Push coming to DVD. Since there have been a lot of movies out lately I decided to review each movie within four sentences starting with …

Why is this movie so familiar? Oh that’s right; I once saw an episode of Heroes. The Gelfling eyes of Dakota Fanning scared the hell out of me and made me have nightmares for a week. Chris Evans was awesome and hot.

dakota fanning in push

This is for the 99% of the people who saw this movie and did not read the graphic novel – I was promised an action movie! I get that it is a political story, but that is not how it came across in the trailers and I for one feel betrayed and angry. I saw this in IMAX and did not need to see an angry 80-foot tall blue penis for two hours. Patrick Wilson was awesome and hot.

I Love You, Man
I’m slappin’ the base! Enough said. Paul Rudd was awesome and hot.

X-Men Origins: Wolverine
For the love of all that is holy; what a horrible movie. Half of the “mutants” were as threatening as a Care Bear. Ryan Reynolds was awesome and hot. Not you Hugh, you made me watch this monstrosity!

Ghosts of Girlfriends Past
I am embarrassed I went to see this. You will never believe the ending – he learned his lesson and will forever be a great guy. I just threw up a little in my mouth.

Star Trek
I have never been into the whole Star Trek phenomenon, and do make fun of the occasional Trekkie, but I have to comment that this was one of the best movies of the year. Chris Pine was awesome and uber hot.

Angels & Demons
If you didn’t read the book and have a hard time concentrating, you are SOL. Nice cut Mr. Hanks. Ewan McGregor was awesome and hot.

Terminator Salvation
McG, Common, Jadagrace – does anyone have a last name anymore? Oh wait, Moon Bloodgood does. I am thankful for seeing this movie because it introduced me to Sam Worthington. Sam Worthington was awesome and uber hot (note the italics).

we are getting married in October by the sea

The Hangover
Naked “Leslie Chow” jumping out of a trunk? You cannot get any funnier than that. Bradley Cooper was awesome and hot.

The Proposal
Romantic comedy? More like make-me-feel-guilty-and-want-to-bake-Betty-White-a-cake movie. Plus seeing Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds naked pretty much made the whole theater want to drown their sorrows in buttered popcorn. Ryan Reynolds was awesome and hot.

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
This movie had it all – racism, sexism, the lamest transformer ever, a tongue on a long-metal Transformer tongue, robots in disguise trying to destroy the one ring to rule them all in Mount Doom, the mother eating pot brownies and hilarity ensuing, complicated plot, robot balls, “actors” who you would smack if you ran into them on the street and Megan Fox’s alien thumbs. At least there wasn’t a helicopter flying into the sunset. Oh wait, it’s Michael Bay so there was 80 of those shots. I was hoping Bumble Bee would transform into an alarm clock to wake me up from the “action”.

90% of the movie

I never thought I would say this, but way too much penis.

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
These adorable 30-year-olds are making me go to a midnight showing – that is huge. The spirit of Robert Pattinson was awesome and hot.

G.I. Joe
This hasn’t even come out yet, I know it will suck, but I am not going to give this a bad review because I do not want to make Channing Tatum cry. Channing Tatum is awesome and uber hot.

can your crush do this?

i am divorcing sam in november and marrying channing in december by the sea