Tuesday, September 22, 2009

actual conversation I had this week

While washing my hands in the restroom at work...

Me:  Hey, how are you?
Miss X:  Good. So how’s the condo?
Me:  Oh, I just live in an apartment, but I just moved. It’s really nice.
Miss X:  I thought you bought a condo.
Me:  No, not me.
Miss X:  Yes you did.
Me:  I think I would have remembered that.
Miss X:  I know we were talking about it.
Me:  No. I am anti-buying anything right now. Too stable.
Miss X:  You were upset about the association dues.
Me:  Why would I lie about this?
Miss X:  Are you sure you didn’t buy a condo?
Me:  It wasn’t me.
Miss X:  I swore you bought a condo.
Me:  Well if I did then I am selling it.
Miss X:  (laughing) Well I hope you make a lot of money off it!

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