It was like Catherine Hadwicke never existed! I am happy actual filmmakers who make films and who were equipped with things like common sense and brains, saved the series. I’m sure the first orders of business were to force Rob Pattinson to take acting lessons and to replace Kristin Stewart’s chap stick with nail polish to stop her from biting her damn lip! I am not complaining, but it did get a little silly that Jacob took his shirt off for everything: “Oh your nose is running,” (shirt off). Can’t wait for the sequel. Rob Pattinson was awesome and hot. Taylor Lautner will be awesome and hot February 11, 2010.
The Blind Side
I SO did not want to see this movie. I go to movies to watch buildings blow up and Batman try and catch the Joker, not “feel good about myself”. As much as I hate to admit it, I did like this movie. Very sweet. It’s nice to know there are good people out in the world. Football player extra #4 was awesome and hot.
Sherlock Homes
Holy crack pipe Robert Downey Jr.! I was pleasantly surprised how good this movie was. Guy Ritchie still worries me since the Madonna has tainted him, but with Rocknrolla and now Sherlock Homes, with a sequel in the works, I am happy to be a guy Richie fan once again. Dude Law and Robert Downey Jr. acted as if they had been long-term associates and really made their relationship believable, another plus to the movie. Robert Downey Jr. was awesome and hot.
Am I the only person on planet earth who has not seen this movie yet? I do love me some Sam Worthington, but watching 10’-tall Smurfs battle marines for six hours just doesn’t make me want to rush to pay $15 to watch Michelle “Bitters” Rodriguez jump out at me. Sam Worthington is still awesome and hot.
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